Join my email community for seasonal living inspiration and creative marketing chat landing in your inbox monthly

Welcome to The Seasonal Chapters
– a seasonal living email community, full of warmth and wonder
Every month, I share a curated collection of seasonal blog posts, book recommendations, snippets of folklore and reflections on the big and small moments of awe that nature brings our way.
As we move through the year and the natural world renews itself again, I’ll be there for company on the journey through each season.
With 12 chapters spanning the year, you’ll feel more in tune with the seasonal tapestry which weaves it’s way around us. From embracing warmth and comfort in winter to finding creative inspiration in spring, celebrating community in summer, and cultivating cosy rituals in autumn, each season has its own unique rhythm and charm.
Join me on this wild, seasonal journey as we embrace the beauty and simple wisdom of the changing seasons.

Join me in The Creative Bindings
– a monthly email full of honest & useful marketing chat for creatives
Fancy some monthly inbox inspiration on marketing your creative business in an authentic, honest and efficient way? Join me in The Creative Bindings email list and you’ll receive monthly letters to help you stay inspired and motivated.
From practical advice on generating content that resonates with your people, to tips on boosting your email marketing, using Pinterest to grow your brand and writing creative blog posts to reach your ideal customers & clients.
I’ll keep in touch with simple tips & ideas on creating content which connects with your audience and feels good to you.
Lovely words from my subscribers
Always a joy to see your email land in my inbox, your words never fail to make me feel cosy and calm.
Lovely to read your latest email! You always share such interesting insights into the seasons, which enhances my own experiences and inspiration for my own work too.
Your words are so soothing, you almost managed to convince me that I enjoy winter! Ha!
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