As we sit teetering on the precipice of August I wanted to share some of my top essential oils for summer, the oils I turn to year after year to support and uplift during these warm and busy summer months.
It’s such a joyful time of year, full of social events and (hopefully) some well-deserved breaks and vacations, however it can also provide us with some emotional challenges too. As we strive to meet the demands of our busy lives together with the natural urge to take some time out for ourselves to sit and smell the roses, we can often feel a little off balance and out of kilter.
Tuning into the seasonal shifts happening around us can often help us to understand why we are at odds with ourselves. As the summer moves on into August we are entering a turning point in the year, a time when the energy of the natural world has hit its peak, a time when the first harvest of the year is gathered. August 1st is also known as Lammas in the Pagan Wheel of the Year, a festival which traditionally marked and honoured this first harvest. Recognising this shift, observing it’s significance, can be helpful to us – even if we are not physically heading out to gather in the crops!
We may not be living with such a close attachment to the land anymore, but we are still linked to the cycles of nature. We have been working hard all year and are approaching a point where we all need and deserve a rest! A chance to give ourselves some recognition of what we have achieved so far and even to have a little celebration of that.
These days filled with sunshine and long summer evenings won’t be here forever, so we need to make the most of them while we can.

So, onto those summer essential oils! I have chosen four of my favourite oils to use over the warmer months, to support our emotions at a time when our energy builds to a peak and then begins to wane (or wilt!).
Lavender – This is a fave for me all year around but even more so in summer. It can be a wonderful assistant to reduce the fatigue we feel during the heat and bustle of this season and serves as a powerful stress reliever too. It can also help to release pent-up frustrations, providing us with a helping hand to let go a little of our tight-hold on to-do lists and schedules.
Lemongrass – This herbaceous oil carries a strength and vitality essential for keeping up our energy levels. It has a stimulating effect and the capacity to revive a weary mind and body! In addition it is an excellent insect-repellent – a natural way to ward off those pesky flies & other insects – especially helpful at this time of year!
Peppermint – Another perfect summer oil to give us a little extra spring in our step. It stimulates the brain and helps with clear thinking. Peppermint has a wonderfully cooling effect on the mind and body, very beneficial if you feel like the heat makes you lethargic or when the brain fog descends!
Ylang Ylang – Last but not least! I mentioned this oil in a recent instagram post as I love to use it around this time of year. It is well known for its ability to cool down states of tension and agitation, a definite go-to for our household with two busy kids on summer break and me trying not to tear my hair out!
So dependant on whether you are seeking support with relaxation or a helping hand with rejuvenation this summer, one of the above oils should be a perfect companion!
Any of the oils mentioned can be used individually or in the blend suggested below in a diffuser, just a few drops added to the water will suffice. If you don’t have a diffuser, you can add them to a bowl of hot water and inhale (though please be extra careful when you do this, especially around children!)
Lammas Essential Oil Blend
A blend to relax the mind, uplift the spirit and give us the space and clarity to appreciate the seasonal shift.
Lavender – 2 drops
Ylang Ylang – 2 drops
Peppermint – 1 drop