The first proper snowfall has descended, firmly signaling that winter is on our doorstep impatient to be greeted. Not that I have seen a single snowflake here on the Welsh coast. Instead, we have had a delightful freezing rain to contend with, so I am enviously scrolling through Insta stories and living vicariously through others.
Autumn is slowly falling, fading and melding into winter; there is a sharpness to the wind, frost on the ground, and a Marks and Spencers Christmas advert telling me it’s time to buy some gifts.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not quite ready to move into full festive/winter mode just yet. So I’m relying on a few simple things to start nudging me towards and through this seasonal shift. I thought I’d share these simple welcoming winter tips with you all in this month’s blog post.
Dusk Ritual – Candlelight Therapy
Darker evenings hold a special kind of magic. As the days grow short and a crispness fills the air, there’s an undeniable comfort to lighting a candle as dusk descends. It’s a simple act that brings an instant sense of warmth and enchantment, but what is it about this flickering flame that speaks to us so deeply?
Perhaps it’s the way the soft glow pushes back against the encroaching darkness, offering a sense of security and warmth that extends beyond the physical. Or maybe it’s the sense of gentle magic it creates, transforming our space into a cosy sanctum where we can unwind and reconnect with ourselves.
There’s a certain rhythm to lighting a candle as dusk falls, a supportive ritual that marks the transition from day to night and invites a moment of quiet reflection. And who can deny the power of a scent to evoke memories, if we choose the right aroma we are instantly transported back to certain special moments, filled up with a comforting sense of nostalgia.
Beyond the sensory, there’s a deeper connection at play. The flickering flame reminds us of our primal link to the natural world, to the cycles of light and dark, and comforting rhythm of the seasons. It’s a source of grounding and peace in a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming.

Festive Hints – Easing Into Christmas
As the festive season approaches, it’s easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of preparations and expectations. But choosing to embrace the spirit of the season gradually, savoring each moment, honouring our own rhythms is a lot easier on us.
If you are already fully in the Christmas mood, with tree up and all the trimmings done, then I salute you. If you’re not quite ready to deck the halls with boughs of holly, here are a few gentle ways to dip your toe and ease into the festive waters…
- Calm Christmas Podcast with Beth Kempton: This beautiful podcast is a gentle invitation to embrace the essence of Christmas while acknowledging that this time of year can be bittersweet for many. Beth’s soothing voice and insightful reflections offer solace and inspiration, reminding us of the true meaning of the season. A new season has just begun, but there are plenty of past episodes to enjoy too, all of which you can find here.
- Twinkly Lights: Even if you’re not ready for a full-blown Christmas tree, a few strategically placed twinkly lights can work wonders. They bring a touch of magic and sparkle to any space, creating a warm and inviting mood without the full-on Christmas vibes. Try stringing a few lights up in windows or on mantles ahead of any other decorations, it’s a simple thing but it makes the encroaching dark easier to manage.
- Christmas Door Wreath: A symbol of the cyclical nature of life and the return of light, a Christmas wreath is a beautiful way to welcome the season while we mentally prepare for winter. Whether you have the time and patience to craft your own using seasonal foliage or choose a ready-made masterpiece, a wreath hanging on your door is a welcoming gesture to both visitors and the spirit of the incoming season.
By tuning in to our own needs and rhythms, we can take a little time and not feel so hurried by adverts and influencers.
There’s no right or wrong way when it comes to making our way through this time of year. It’s a personal journey, influenced by so many different emotions and past experiences, and we all move at a different pace.
A Dose of Warmth
I’m a freezer. I love a frosty morning, but generally, I just don’t do well in the cold. Blankets, hot water bottles, cosy sheets and thermals are my best friends. Basic stuff, but it helps if we can get a few simple things in place for when the cold snaps hit.
Have you ever noticed how a chill in the air can affect your mood and creativity? It’s true – when we’re shivering, our bodies go into survival mode, focusing their energy on staying warm. This leaves me feeling sluggish, a bit grumpy, and unable to focus, which isn’t exactly ideal for sparking those creative fires.
On the flipside, while feeling cosy and warm can foster connection and collaboration, a touch of chill can keep us alert and encourage us to think outside the box. It’s all about finding that sweet spot, the delicate balance between comfort and invigorating coolness.
We are all different – highlighted by continuing battles over heating and air con temperature in every home and office across the world. Having a little cosy survival kit on hand means we can manage our own needs.
When we feel comfortable and nurtured, our minds are free to wander, explore, and create.
So, how can we navigate these shifting temperatures and nurture our creativity throughout the colder months? Prepare a few items that you know can support you, dig out the thermal leggings, replace the old hot water bottle (did you know they have an expiry date?!), change out your sheets for cosier fabrics. Think of these simple things as your winter allies, enveloping you in a comforting embrace that lifts your spirits and keeps those creative sparks alive.

Practical Winter Magic – An Aroma Support System
Winter’s arrival brings a natural shift in our energy and mood. As the days shorten and the natural world around us slows down is direct opposition to busy schedules and festive season obligations, it’s essential to nurture ourselves with comforting rituals and supportive practices. Aromatherapy, with its gentle yet potent magic, offers a simple way to uplift our spirits, soothe our busy minds, and navigate the winter months with grace.
Here are a few of my favorite essential oils to infuse your winter days with warmth, clarity, and a touch of magic:
- Rosemary Essential Oil: Like a breath of fresh air on a crisp winter morning, rosemary’s invigorating scent can help to uplift and energize during the darker months. Its herbaceous aroma is known to stimulate the mind, enhance focus, and promote a sense of clarity.
- Peppermint Essential Oil: The refreshing aroma of peppermint is like a cool breeze that clears the mind and promotes a sense of focus. Its invigorating scent can help to alleviate mental fatigue and enhance concentration, making it an ideal companion for those long winter days spent indoors.
- Orange Essential Oil: The sweet, vibrant scent of orange evokes the warmth and joy of Christmas celebrations. Its warming aroma brings to mind festive gatherings, cosy firesides, and the comforting flavors of the season. Like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy winter day, it can help to ease stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.
Whether you add a few drops to a diffuser, create a soothing bath blend, or simply inhale their aromatic essence, these essential oils can be potent allies in supporting your well-being throughout the winter season.